Tuesday 20 December 2011


 This picture was taken with just the key light on at a high power, this causes the picture to be quite dark and have a heavy shadow on the object.

 This picture has both the key light and fill light on, which fills the shadow in and makes the object look defined and not dark.
 This picture has all 3 lights on (back, key and fill) which gives the same effect as before but more definition is given to the outline of the object.

Storyboard :')

This is our storyboard which gives a clear, visual outline of how each scene will pan out and the different sound effects and length of each shot. The order of these pictures is right to left from 1-2 and 3-4 as we did it on A3 paper this was difficult to show. I have used various images, shading and camera angles shown to give as clear an idea of each shot as possible, as well as to show the camera man and director where each person or prop should be in the shot.

Monday 19 December 2011


Trippin - Script
SOL is sitting on the sofa, with messy hair and a beer can in his hand. He picks up a bag of white powder and is shown going down to sniff it and resurfacing with white powder around his nose.
Are you alright?
SOL is lying slouched on the sofa; he awakens to see everyone has left the party. The room is darker than before.
(Bang) (O.C)
SOL wipes his face and slowly walks around the room, treading on empty beer cans. The room is significantly messier. He walks up the stairs AND TOWARDS THE BATHROOM he hears another noise and the door slowly creeks open – it is a cat.
SOL holds his head.
What’s goin’ on?
SOL washes his face in the sink and as he closes the mirror a masked figure holding a knife is seen behind.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Lighting Practice

Video Lighting Basics - Three Point Lighting

The key light is the main source of light in the shot which should be placed at 45 degrees to one side of the object, giving a person definition on the side of their face and shoulders, but this causes a sort of shadow on one side of the face which is filled in by the Fill light, which is placed at 45 degrees on the other side of the person and gives equal lighting to the whole object rather than just one side of it. The back light is placed around the back of the object but at an angle so its off camera, this gives more definition and clarity to the shoulders and outline of the object.

Make up list! x'D

Things we'd need for makeup:
- messy hair
- pale skin
- out-of-fashion clothing (maybe from the 90s)
- possibly dirt/beer on clothing and face

Character link: Our main character is Sol, and he suits the role of a party animal as he is the right age (16/17) as well as having quite a slim physique to show vulnerability. Also he has quite pale skin, dark hair and facial hair, which makes him look like he could look quite effective in that makeup. However the problem is that sol is young where as all the actors in the pictures we looked at are old. Older people are often used to show they have life experience and possibly dark secrets. So we may have to look into the possibility of getting an older actor - sol would be ok thought as he fits the party scene.

Make Up Lulz 8)

These are some examples of some characters from psychological horrors. The make-up seems pretty non-existent but it is used very effectively, trying to create a character that is either insane, or innocent and vulnerable. The insanity can be shown using a variety of make-up techniques, such as the messy hair, baggy eyes and strange or out of fashion clothing, and also the characters are normally quite dark, weird seeming characters, possibly with pale skin.
The vulnerability of a character (usually female) can be shown using some of the same techniques to show them going into a state of insanity, as well as quite tatty or rough clothing.

Title Template Sheets

The sheets in the white are our final title template sheets, the purple sheets are early planning sheets which we later added to and took ideas from. The template sheet shows which credits and text will appear on screen as well as the images behind them.

Tuesday 6 December 2011


What is the purpose of story boarding?
Story boarding is used to show a clear outline of the films story and how its going to be shot. The directors will know what the shoot and how and the actors will have an outline of what they are doing.

How can you show lighting?
You can show lighting using shading or colouring onto the scene, using darker, more discreet shading for the darker areas of the scene, whereas using light or no shading to show the lighter areas.

 Camera movement and angles?
Camera movement is shown by one frame of the story board to another where obvious camera movement has happened (e.g. Panning). Arrows are used to show the movement of a camera either sideways or up and down. 

Script Examples @:D

The name of the character is in the centre as well as showing if its off camera, a voice over or viewable actions. After each sections, one line of space. It also shows when fades are present and whether the scene is internal or external. Also describes the way an actor speaks and the time of day and description of the content that should be shown.

The Nightmare on Elm Street script goes in to detail on objects and actions. This is a strong point as the film will then accurately correspond to the script. The layout is great, its all split up in paragraphs with bullet points so that if your looking for a certain point then its easily accessible and the fonts easily to read due to size as well as the style. Although there's no actual dialogue, the setting is clearly described as well as the actions of the character.

Test Shots :D

 India Flint - She will just be an extra, so the make up will just be to make her hair a bit messier and she will be wearing some sort of halloween mask.
 Bradley Taylor - He is also just just an extra, and he will also have some sort of halloween mask on.
Solomon Rumney-Scriven - He will be the main character so his face will be showing, with makeup used to show dark eyes and to look a bit roughened up, as well as messy, tatty hair.

Monday 5 December 2011

Recce o.O

For our location we have chosen a house which seemed suitable for a party scene as it's quite open-plan and has a lot of space as well as having the suitable props needed for our setting (sofa, coffee table) but it will be changed by putting some empty beer cans and alcohol bottles scattered around the front room and around the house.
The front room is the main room of the setting where around 15 seconds of recording will be done as this is where the main character will awaken. But the character then walks up the stairs to get to the bathroom where their is a opening mirror which will be used for the main 'stinger' of the clip.