Tuesday 28 February 2012

updated edit

With our 2nd edit it's been edited and continuity has been applied, but the advice we've been given is to add a few shots of the main character looking very worried and frightened after seeing hallucinations, meaning we can use some of the party scenes with some freaky effects.
 This is the feedback we got from our first edit to help make our film better and to see what could be improved on our video, which for us from feedback was that it was too short and needed more suspense.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Final Destination 4 Title Sequence

Potential Titles Ideas

First Shoot


In our opening footage, we included a party scene. However, we will now be removing most of the shots due to the fact that it takes a lot of the horror out of the opening and makes it look more like a Teen TV Drama. We will try to keep a few scenes which include our actor Sol looking disorientated but we will have to remove the long shots of just the party.


Production Company Logo "/

This is the most obvious of the logos to be in a horror style, with the old style, tattered font in the typical horror, blood red colour to give it a sinister and horrific look. The iconography used is also quite blatant as  it uses some sort of old-fashioned, sinister castle, probably based on one of the old horror films (Dracula, Frankenstein) which gives it the traditional horror film. The layout and composition is pretty usual as it is just a large image with the text placed in the middle in a usual font size.

This logo is simple but effective in creating a horror-style effect just using the out of shape, dyed white coloured text, which is rather simple but gives a quite horrific, creepy feel. The horn-type shape in the middle wrapped in thorns isn't obvious but it's still quite creepy. Finally the logo is placed on a pure black background which makes the image look dark and has a sense of uncertainty.

  The logo is fairly simple and the black background makes the image look dark  and makes the picture and text stand out more - the image is some sort of unusual symbol

Task 2

Rogue Pictures - 'The Strangers' - This is the independent production company which released the film 'The Strangers' alongside another production company Intrepid Pictures. The name itself seems quite 'horror-based' name as rogue describes a threat, as well as the blurry, polarized font gives a sense of the unknown and gives it a sinister feel.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Skills Re-cap

We went over certain key camerawork skills in the lesson such as:

-Shot, reverse shot
-Position of tripod
-Shot length
-Shot type (Range of shot types, include close ups as they are commonly used in horror films)
-Shot angle (Use high and low angle to show who is in position of power)
-Lighting (Use lighting correctly to set mood)

If all these are used correctly our horror film will look good.

Who's done what.

We have all completed Questions 1 and 2 of the reflective evaluation. Dom and Tom have both done Question 5 and Sean has done Question 4. What's left to do is for Tom and Dom to do Question 4 and Sean to do Question  5.