Thursday 6 October 2011

Practical Continuity & Coverage Preliminary Excercise

When our video moves from clip to clip, there is no jumping except for the background audio. However, we couldn't avoid this due to the fact we couldn't control it. But the actual video didn't jump. I think we have evidenced our skills as the film runs smoothly, we used the correct camera angles and made sure it made sense. Also we used the 180 degree rule. We have used various shot types including a couple of close ups as well as mid shots and 2-shots, and they have all been used to good effect, and we used all the shots planned on the sheet. It could be improved by not having any 'sillouhette' shots due to shooting into a light source, this meant the shots didn't go together well. We framed our shots well as no part of anyones body got cut off.

We made good use of the reverse shot from the beginning. Also, in one of our Over The Shoulder shots, the rule of thirds was used well as the character (Tom) was mostly to the right of the screen rather then in the centre. However, in the other Over The Shoulder shot, Tom was stood directly in the middle 3 squares so it was as if he was looking at the camera! Lead room was never needed because we didn't do any panning or tracking, we just thought to do doing reverse shots.

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