Tuesday 17 January 2012

Sean's Evaluation :$

Question 1.

I researched thoroughly about my sub-genre of Psychological Horror so that I could watch opening/title sequences of other films in this sub-genre so that i can have a better understanding and try to use ideas created in professional films.

This is the production logo of Capitol which doesn't really have the best logo and most eye catching. It's just simple slanted text with a shadow. It looks slightly authoritative as its for the horror film 'shrooms' and it looks a bit plain and relates to the horror film as it looks slightly mysterious and psychological even though this production company focuses on other genres of film.


This is the title included n the title sequence of Paranormal Activity 2. It's weird in a way and plays with my mind by the fact that the '2' is in between the words rather than at the the end of them. Also, the word 'Activity' isn't spelt backwards, the letters have actually been reversed as if you were looking into a mirror. This plays with your mind just like a psychological horror should.

This is our title in our horror film project. It consists of

This is a scene from Paranormal Activity 2 which consists of the woman being possessed and standing up watching her husband sleep. In the scene it fast-forwards time for 3 hours in which she doesn't move. You see the time in the corner just so that you know how long its been. Possession by spirits or demons etc. is one of the few key conventions in making a successful psychological horror.
Compared to our scene, the threat is not shown but there is a loud bang which alarms the victim and makes him paranoid.


This is not a film from our sub-genre. This is the zombie film 'Resident Evil' - this image shows character, it shows the strength and intimidation of the character due to the slight high angled shot. Plus, the swords on her back and her guns raised which challenges stereotypes and produces recessive ideology. It shows the character is violent and not afraid. However, our shot supports dominant ideology because the stereotype of a drug taker would be a male and that is what we included in our opening sequence.


This is my example of a image that shows mise-en-scene from the existing film 'The Strangers'. The content of this scene/image is of two women and a man intimidating a couple in their own home. Masks are worn by the women and the man is wearing some sort of baggage case with straw-like material to hide their identity. You can see that the woman has a large and sharp knife in the right hand next to the woman hostage. All three are looking down on their 'victims' to show they are the dominant characters. In our shot (as shown blow), the threat in our scene is a male in the mirror with the mask and knife. We tried to recreate the idea used in this film as the woman on the left has a mask and knife, but we again chose to stick to dominant ideology by having a male killer.


This image from our own film also has the content of strange characters in masks. However, in our film we didn't show any weapons so that the audience isn't sure if they are the villains. However they also look intimidating because of the slight low angle shot used. We also added the effects on the video quite weirdly as it's a psychological horror which is supposed to be abnormal and mind-playing.

Question 2.

1.Shrooms Scene 1 - the woman is the victim. The female victim is portrayed as being the victim due to high angled shots and close ups of which show her scared facial expressions and thats she's breathing heavily. She is a young adult/late teen currently on some sort of drug. However, she looks quite averagely normal which means thats she could be just a typical, outgoing young adult.

2.Strangers Scene 2 - the female character is again the victim in the scene which seems to be one main theme in our sub-genre of psychological horror.

Our planning and research into our film has given us a great understanding of Social Groups. We have seen a lot of examples already and looked up their iMDB rating of which showed us the main target audiences which are young adults most commonly, not particular genders targeted (more males view but not substantially). In our story, we include drug usage which leads to disaster and danger for the consumer, just like 'Shrooms'. However, only one person takes the drug and its at a party instead of in a field/woodlands. We decided to go with recessive ideology and had the victim as a male when the victims are often females in psychological horrors.

I would have to choose our party scene to relate to the dominant ideology that teenagers when partying take it too far and take drugs, dance a lot and drink as if they have no worries in the world. I could not find a film to compare it to so i chose a TV Drama which is a Skins Party Montage. In this montage, there's scenes of drugs being taken, drinking vodka, running away from parties and female characters being outgoing and dancing seductively. n our film that we're yet to shoot, we will try to include most of these conventions that make the party scene actually look like a party.

Question 3.

Distribution is getting your film out there and seen by a range of people so it is known. So, to get our media project of a horror film seen, I would probably upload it to YouTube and share on Social Networking sites.

ljkkl89899890.jpg This is Lionsgate, it is one of the biggest major media institution up to date responsible for all the Saw films, My Bloody Valentine, Kick-Ass and many more. Twisted Pictures is an independent production company which has contributed to mostly the classics from the 1950's - 1970's such as 'The Mummy' and 'Dracula' (originals). However, Twisted Pictures has recently made the new horror film 'The Woman in Black'.


The Woman in Black's poster consists of a victim in the foreground and the threat being in the background. It's main theme would be the darkness and involves the title with the slogan in a smaller font asking a rhetorical question which gets the audience involved and thinking (about the film mostly) which could maybe urge them to view 'The Woman in Black'. I Used this poster as my main inspiration of my poster for our film. There are a lot of similarities, for example, the threat and victim are shown with the title, a rhetorical question as the slogan. However, we did not include the actor's name as Twister decided to show the main actor because he is a famous actor but we obviously didn't have a budget for it so we had to just use a friend. We also included the media companies used out the way at the bottom of the screen but still visible.

This shot is of 'The Amityville Horror' trailer from Youtube (shown below). It shows Dimension Films which is a motion picture unit currently a part of The Weinstein Company. It was formerly used as Bob Weinstein's label within Miramax Films, to produce and release genre films.

Dimension Films is also mentioned at the end of the trailer alongside sub production companies and most trailers include the parent company, however this one doesn't.

Question 4.

The audience for our media project would have to be the usual target audience for most psychological horrors but we will probably have to target the males more than the females due to drug taking and the graphic images and slight humour that is contained at some points in the film. Our certificate is a 15 so our main target audience range is from 15-30 i should imagine. To suit our target audience, we chose a party scene with alcohol and drugs with load music which is something we imagine people between those ages can relate to easily.

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