Tuesday 29 November 2011

Title Sequence

These are the title sequence template sheets that we will be basing our title sequence on, it consists of objects after the events, then the opening sequence will be the start to show how the events took place. We decided to miss out quite a few scenes so that we can shorten the title sequence to make our opening scene longer enough so we can fit the whole story line in. The shots will be of the party crime scene, so there will be yellow police tape with the outcome of the party (drug package, alcohol etc).


The first shot will be the victim looking up and wiping his nose - (Wiping the white powder off his nose) He then sees things blurry and blacks out.
He then wakes and its just him left in the house - the lighting turns from light to dark when he wakes up to create an eerie atmosphere.
He realizes he is on his own and scans the room - the room is messy as the party has just finished.
The camera then shows him getting up - then a bump is heard - noise is exaggerated.
He then steps on a can as he's walking out the room.
He then walks up the stairs when another loud noise happens, he continues up the stairs to investigate.
He goes in the bathroom slowly before realising there's nothing there, washing his face before, eventually he looks into a closing mirror which closes so he can se the killer behind him.

Things we need for our film

We will use a axe as the murder weapon - we get can one from a prop or fancy dress shop.
 We will use a small plastic bag filled with a white powder substance (Flour or sugar).
We will use a white mask for the killer to disguise his identity, we will buy one of these.

We also need test shots of the house we are using and we need to know who's acting in our film.

IMDB user ratings


Males 5,164 4.7

Females 950 5.0

Aged under 18 119 5.1

Males under 18 78 4.9

Females under 18 41 5.5

Aged 18-29 3,711 4.8

Males Aged 18-29 3,029 4.8

Females Aged 18-29 669 5.1

Aged 30-44 1,943 4.6

Males Aged 30-44 1,733 4.6

Females Aged 30-44 199 4.8

Aged 45+ 339 4.6

Males Aged 45+ 299 4.6

Females Aged 45+ 39 4.6

Top 1000 voters 186 4.4

US users 1,154 4.9

Non-US users 4,789 4.7

IMDb users 6,857 4.7

These user ratings indicate that the target audience for this film is
 young adults and generally males watched this film a lot more than
females did, but gave it a lower rating compared to females who gave
it a higher average rating yet only 950 females watched this when 5,164
males watched it.

Males 32,826 6.0
Females 7,067 6.2
Aged under 18 783 6.7
Males under 18 559 6.8
Females under 18 221 6.4
Aged 18-29 25,759 6.2
Males Aged 18-29 20,704 6.2
Females Aged 18-29 4,970 6.4
Aged 30-44 11,505 5.9
Males Aged 30-44 9,920 5.9
Females Aged 30-44 1,517 6.0
Aged 45+ 1,797 5.6
Males Aged 45+ 1,470 5.6
Females Aged 45+ 301 6.0
Top 1000 voters 415 5.7
US users 16,256 6.2
Non-US users 22,670 6.0

IMDB rate - 6.0

Males also watch this film more than females and gave it a of 6.0
whereas females gave it a higher rating of 6.2. The age range 18-29
is who watched it the most.

We then did an evaluation of the target audience of The Shining before
doing an evaluation of what our own target audience would be in our own
film,by looking at the different elements and also how we would target the

Wednesday 23 November 2011


This is our pitch to the class of our idea for our horror film, using descriptions of different areas of the planning and the idea to try to show the class what we want to be our final product, and to gain feedback  so we can see what people like to see and anything we could change about our idea. In the pitch we spoke about the basic outline of the story, props used, the age restriction and the audience, among other things. Some feedback we gained was:
"Too big an idea for a minute long clip"
"Idea not yet planned out properly"

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Narrative ideas for our film

Young adults and teenagers will be starring in our film. Seeing as our main idea is something to do with drugs and murder, males would probably be the main gender used as our basis for our coursework because they are stereotypically rebellious and juvenile. We chose to have a younger generation because we have experienced the sight and outcome parties and drugs.

The main storyline of our project is a young , rebellious party-goer getting the wrong side of unknown, untested drugs which leave him thinking a real-life threat (in the shape of a murderer) is just part of the hallucinogenic side effect of the drug. He leaves the party in a bad state and becomes increasingly paranoid about the hallucination, which keeps appearing in different views. And finally he realises the threat is real, and is killed by the murderer.

Its a costume party, so everyone is in outfits, mostly covering their faces so you don't know who's who. Because its a costume party, it makes it a lot more mysterious. However, we know and recognize the main character because you get to see his face when he does the drugs and his costume stands out easily.


Lighting and Setting
The setting will be a party setting to start off with, with many people involved, but the party ends leaving the main character on his own in the house (quite an isolated place) and he will spend a lot of time in smaller. claustrophobic rooms (bathrooms and bedrooms) as these are more menacing and leave less space for there to be a known threat.
The lighting will be quite dark once everyone leaves to make it more sinister and the shadows leave a place for a chance for there to be a 'jumpy moment' or just make you think about the threat more.

The Shining - Narrative

In the clip of 'The Shining' we watched it shows the character driving alone on the road to a far out hotel for a job interview in which he gets the job of looking after a huge, abandoned house - however he is told someone had previously had the same job and gone crazy - killing his entire family.

What i think will happen next is that the character and his own family will move into the old house and will repeat the tragedy that happened before.

Fear has been created from the start as the car driving on the road is the only car on the road, giving the feeling of isolation that runs throughout the film. The last part of the clip also creates fear as it shows blood pouring out of a door and filling up  a room, then cuts to two little girls standing together, this abstract scene presents the theme of insanity and mental insecurity.

Its set in an big, old house that is far away from any civilization.

We see the victim - (Jack Nicholson) but not the threat.

Wordle Activity 2 - 'Session 9' :P

The wordle activity shows that in the film i watched (Session 9) the main words that occurred the most in the film plot (Apart from the characters names) were 'asylum' 'murdered' 'unseen' and 'night'. This shows the reoccurring themes in the film and the overall genre seem to be 'night', insanity :'asylum'. Also 'night' shows that nighttime is the best time to film that type of film.

Wordle Activity 1 (Strangers) xD

This is a wordle related to the film 'The Strangers', most of the words are irrelevant but some words do relate to the idea of the film. Such as relating to the setting (words like house, hallway, kitchen) showing the general setting of this type of film is an indoor and isolated setting, leaving a feeling of insanity and claustrophobia. Things such as man, mask, knife and gun show the threat is normally mysterious but very violent or twisted.

Wordle Activity : Sub-Genre

Most words in these Wordle's are relevant to our sub-genre which is psychological. However, some are totally irrelevant. For example, "movies", like" and "got" are irrelevant. Scary is m obvious one because every horror is supposed to be scary. The word Ref kept coming up a lot, this is because it stands for reference and thats a popular word in the film industry, especially on reviews. The main words that are totally relevant to the sub-genre are "Think" and "Mind", due to the fact that its what psychological horrors do. They make you think and play with your mind.