Tuesday 15 November 2011

Narrative ideas for our film

Young adults and teenagers will be starring in our film. Seeing as our main idea is something to do with drugs and murder, males would probably be the main gender used as our basis for our coursework because they are stereotypically rebellious and juvenile. We chose to have a younger generation because we have experienced the sight and outcome parties and drugs.

The main storyline of our project is a young , rebellious party-goer getting the wrong side of unknown, untested drugs which leave him thinking a real-life threat (in the shape of a murderer) is just part of the hallucinogenic side effect of the drug. He leaves the party in a bad state and becomes increasingly paranoid about the hallucination, which keeps appearing in different views. And finally he realises the threat is real, and is killed by the murderer.

Its a costume party, so everyone is in outfits, mostly covering their faces so you don't know who's who. Because its a costume party, it makes it a lot more mysterious. However, we know and recognize the main character because you get to see his face when he does the drugs and his costume stands out easily.


Lighting and Setting
The setting will be a party setting to start off with, with many people involved, but the party ends leaving the main character on his own in the house (quite an isolated place) and he will spend a lot of time in smaller. claustrophobic rooms (bathrooms and bedrooms) as these are more menacing and leave less space for there to be a known threat.
The lighting will be quite dark once everyone leaves to make it more sinister and the shadows leave a place for a chance for there to be a 'jumpy moment' or just make you think about the threat more.

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