Tuesday 15 November 2011

The Shining - Narrative

In the clip of 'The Shining' we watched it shows the character driving alone on the road to a far out hotel for a job interview in which he gets the job of looking after a huge, abandoned house - however he is told someone had previously had the same job and gone crazy - killing his entire family.

What i think will happen next is that the character and his own family will move into the old house and will repeat the tragedy that happened before.

Fear has been created from the start as the car driving on the road is the only car on the road, giving the feeling of isolation that runs throughout the film. The last part of the clip also creates fear as it shows blood pouring out of a door and filling up  a room, then cuts to two little girls standing together, this abstract scene presents the theme of insanity and mental insecurity.

Its set in an big, old house that is far away from any civilization.

We see the victim - (Jack Nicholson) but not the threat.

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