Tuesday 8 November 2011

Seven Title Analysis

How does this title sequence introduce us to the character in Seven?
- It jumps straight in quite oddly to give you a general background on the character. He appears to be mentally unstable.

What do we know about the character?
- By the content shown in this sequence, it portrays that the character seems to be a perfectionist by the measuring equipment at the start and the art shown seem to be well detailed. Also, he is abnormal and this point is supported in most scenes but the most obvious are when he's slicing the edges of his fingers off and when he pulls a needle out of his fingernail.

What shot types are dominant and why?
- The most dominant shot types are close ups, i believe that this is because they try to focus on the content and what he's actually doing. You can't see this with a mid-shot or long shot, so hey use close ups to show detail which would give you a stronger first impression to the character. We also don't want to see the character

What editing effects have been used and why?
- Double vision has been used as if he's on drugs or something even though that may be him normally so he seems unstable mentally.

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