Wednesday 2 November 2011

Homework Assignment - (Dom)

In our assessment we remade a zombie horror film that previous students had shot, we had to try to replicate it as best we could. We held all our shots steady as we used the tripod in every one of our shots. We framed a few shots like in the original film, but could have done more- however we chose to frame some shots differently to get better lighting in the shot. We did use a variety of shot types e.g. mid shots, close-ups. We did this as a lot of shots in our 30 second extract were various different shots. We used composition techniques and I thought our use of the rule of thirds was the best feature in our assignment. Some of our shots flow well together but others don’t, this is partly due to our editing but also due to the fact that we had to position the camera in a certain angle so the actors had enough light on them to be seen. Our transitions were as close as we could get to the original – especially the part when we used a fade and white still to make the camera flash. Our costume, location and props were all correct and true to the original and appropriate for the film genre (zombie horror). Our setting would have been a lot better if it was earlier in the day as it was too dark to film and many shots would have looked a lot better with more light. We chose appropriate actors but could have had 1 more zombie then we would have had the exact number as in the original, due to time constraints we only had 4 zombies – but they were still appropriate actors as they were around the same age as the zombies in the original film. I personally filmed half the scenes in the film, and also edited the film and helped plan/prepare by making some of the costumes and contributing to the storyboard. Improvements that could be made to our film would be to film the whole thing when it’s lighter so you can see everything in the shot clearly, I would also make sure that the composition and continuity is a lot better so the whole film flows better than it does now. When it comes to the final film I would like to use lighting equipment to make sure we don’t have the same problem as we did for this film I would also not do a zombie horror for my final film.

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